Classic hex and counter wargame of the Korsun-Cherkassy pocket 1944Korsun 1944 saw two Soviet fronts surround several German divisions on the Eastern
Classic hex and counter wargame of the Korsun-Cherkassy pocket 1944
Korsun 1944 saw two Soviet fronts surround several German divisions on the Eastern Front. It was to be a mini-Stalingrad, but this time the pocket was rescued by powerful panzer forces and broke out.
In this wargame you can play either the Axis or Soviet side. The Soviets attempt to surround and destroy Axis forces, while the Axis attempt to escape.
Game features:
* Accurate order of battle to Division level
* Panzers, Cavalry, Infantry, Supply
* Weather effects - Snow becomes mud
* A series of options to strengthen or weaken either side
* Three different AI opponents